the art of being nobody

The art of being nobody

By: Carole L. Haines 

 Exhausted…Wasted so much time trying

Being someone you think I could, Doing things you say I should

Get out of my mind, You’re under my skin

I’m closing my eyes, And you’re not welcome within

I am who I am…Whatever God makes of me

Is completely His choosing, So now I am truly free

Religion behind me, now, Trying to reach God

I’m believing He has reached me now, Thru the blood and the cross

One step at a time, Overcoming the pain

Learning to walk, No longer crippled or maimed

Take up your mat and walk, Open your mouth and talk

Awaken your eyes to see, Run fingers thru the hidden deeps

Nobody, Nothing, Nowhere is so inviting, after trying to be

everybody, everything, everywhere

I run straight into the arms of the Only One who’s really there

Deep thoughts, deep breaths, Long walks, short steps

Meandering, wandering, Living through the dying

No longer denying, Embracing what I’m finding,

Freedom from the trying To be somebody

the art of being nobody… Apart from Christ, nothing

Letting Him be strong in me, Suddenly I’m truly free


Published by

Author and Creator of the series and books. You can find these at Be Blessed and encouraged in the Lord Jesus

2 thoughts on “the art of being nobody

  1. A M E N . If you can, get the book “God without religion” written by man who also wrote “The naked gospel” – Utterly mind blowing!!! Where was the phot taken.? reminds of a place I went with you in Alabama:):):


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