You have stayed too long at this Mountain


“The Lord our God spoke to us at Horeb, saying, ‘You have stayed long enough at this mountain. Turn and set your journey… (Deuteronomy 1)

God has a call on our lives, each life individually, and on us all corporately. Some of us have delayed far too long in embarking on the pursuit of that call. I know I have. I felt the call to write since I was a young teenage girl. I have written my whole life, but felt “unworthy” to publish, I mean everyone would think I was self-promoting, right? Perhaps, but that is not my responsibility. I am not responsible for what others think of me. I am responsible for answering the call of Christ on my life. He has called me to write and teach, and it is about time that I did so. We live in an unprecedented age of access, through social Media Channels, like Facebook and Twitter, Live feeds like You-Tube, etc. The World is filling up those free speech places with so much garbage and filth. Bruce and I feel called to fill it with Praise, Worship and Honor to our God and King, Jesus Christ; Father Son and Holy Spirit. He alone is the One True God. That is part of what we feel called to do, and do it we will, no matter what others think or say, because we will never stand before another human being in Heaven, we will stand before God alone and give account of what we did with the Gifts that He gave to us. This is not our only call, but it is becoming a huge part of it.

“The Lord our God spoke to us at Horeb, saying, ‘You have stayed long enough at this mountain. Turn and set your journey… (Deuteronomy 1)

What about you? Is there a call that you have on your life that others have objected to? You will never stand before anyone but God in the final tally of life, so refuse to stand before any man now. Come away and be alone with God and listen to His call and commit to Turn and Set your Journey. Begin today, I began my journey of publishing 3 years ago with my blog. That is now becoming a Devotional Book soon to be published and released, and I have already learned how to self-publish my first in what I hope to be a long series of Children’s Books.

I am nothing, but He is my everything, and everything I do is based simply on listening to Him and obeying. I mess up sometimes. I get it wrong and have to go back and listen again, but that is growth, that is progress. So don’t stay at your mountain any longer. Begin that Adventure with God. And those of you who have begun, I encourage you to continue on despite the many set-backs and obstacles in your way. “Well done, good and faithful servant, Well done!” That is what we all long to hear, is it not? God Bless your day!

Published by

Author and Creator of the series and books. You can find these at Be Blessed and encouraged in the Lord Jesus

2 thoughts on “You have stayed too long at this Mountain

  1. PTL for answered prayer. I can remember the many times you were frustrated and asking when/how your writings would be used and ‘IN HIS TIME’ He is showing you. thanks your sharing with your brothers and sisters In the Lord and with those who are not yet Christ Followers., Blessings, Mom


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